Hearing aids are something that can an experience when you first get them and, like anything that you try for the first time, there’s likely to be some problems or issues that you face. However, this is something that can often be fixed as you naturally get used to them or with the help of your audiologist. So, what are the common problems hearing aid users face?


This is something to be expected when you’re getting hearing aids for the first time. Just like when you get glasses or contact lenses for the first time, it’s your body taking time to adjust to something new and therefore headaches may be a consequence of that. Many hearing aid users will experience headaches when they start wearing the devices for the first time. It’s important to note though that if the headaches don’t go away easily, then it might be that you need to have the hearing aids adjusted. 

The reason for headaches reappearing might be due to your ability to hear and changes within the ear canal since they last got assessed.

Battery life

The issue with many electronic devices nowadays is that as a society and human beings in general, we tend to use these devices so often that the batteries can’t keep up with the usage. However, battery life within your devices should be monitored in case they tend to run low quickly and constantly. If that’s the case, then there are likely things that you can do in order to fix that and stop it from happening.

Your audiologist will be able to advise what to do to get the most out of your battery life.


Hearing devices can cause feedback and it’s a very common occurrence for a lot of hearing aid users. The reason for this is that your hearing aid may have rubbed against something that caused amplification to the sounds it’s making. 

This squealing, high-pitched and jarring sound is certainly not enjoyable but there can be ways of dealing with the problem. The main thing is that the device is fitted properly within your ear. If it isn’t, then that’s likely the cause of it.


Many hearing aid users will fear that when getting a hearing aid, they won’t be able to do things like go swimming in a pool or the sea without having the fuss of removing it. However, there are plenty of hearing aids available that are completely waterproof and therefore make swimming an easy thing to do. However, even though these types of devices are available, they can sometimes be hard to come across. 

Getting an audiologist will help you find the perfect one that suits your needs for going swimming.

Excessive amount of earwax

Earwax can be a great thing for your ears because it protects those delicate ear follicles. However, there is such a thing as too much earwax and this build-up of earwax can end up blocking the microphone on the hearing aid device. This can also affect other parts of the device which can ultimately hinder its performance and your ability to hear. 

A way to solve this is by making sure you stay on top of regular cleaning practices, making sure your ears are clear of wax for the most part and that your device is cleaned regularly.


Moisture is always a concern when it comes to electronic devices, and it’s to be expected when the device isn’t necessarily covered. Moisture can be highly damaging to hearing aids. Whether it’s being out in the rain or going to the gym and working up a sweat, these are all factors that are worried about. However, it’s something that has been considered in many ways when it comes to the manufacturing of the products. It is worth taking out your hearing devices when stepping into the shower but for the most part, your devices should be fine.

These devices need to be able to deal with every-day weather conditions, otherwise, they’d become more of a nuisance than an aid for those who use them.

Solve problems with an audiologist

If you’re getting a hearing aid or have concerns regarding your hearing aid, then it’s best to give Advanced Hearing Services a call today at (970) 449-0592. Speaking to an audiologist will help to diagnose the problem and to help you get the hearing device back to normal, working order. Hearing aids, after all, should bring you comfort and clarity in your hearing so give us a call if you have a query.