Hearing aids have certainly changed over the years and while that change has been a positive one in many ways, some people are still hesitant to use them. For those who would benefit from hearing aids, they often choose to ignore the problem, hoping it goes away. However, without treating hearing loss, it can impact your life in a number of ways. Perhaps the reason for some is that there are many myths and misconceptions regarding hearing aids.

Hopefully, this guide will help debunk some of those misconceptions and encourage those who need them, to try out hearing aids for the first time.

1. Hearing Aids Cost Too Much

There is a common misconception surrounding the cost of hearing aids, leading many to believe they are inaccessible. However, it’s important to challenge this belief. This perception often stems from outdated information or limited awareness of current options. In reality, advancements in technology and market competition have expanded the range of hearing aid solutions available, making them more attainable for a wider audience. By exploring different options and seeking guidance from an audiologist, individuals can find suitable hearing aids that fit within their budget.

2. You Don’t Need a Hearing Aid Until You’re Old

Just because a lot of elderly people wear hearing aids, doesn’t mean they’ve been made exclusively for this age range. In fact, hearing aids are common across all ages. The need for hearing aids is due to hearing loss that could have occurred for any number of reasons. Yes, your hearing can decline as you get older but hearing loss can also be caused by severe trauma from an accident or side effects from a medical condition for example.

3. Hearing Aids Aren’t Beautiful or Attractive

Twenty to thirty years ago, the available hearing aid models were often basic in design, lacking the aesthetic appeal that might capture attention. However, times have changed significantly. Nowadays, not only can you find beautifully designed hearing aids, but you also have a plethora of choices at your disposal. The landscape of hearing aid options has evolved to include visually appealing and stylish designs, offering individuals a wide range of choices to explore.

From behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aids to in-the-canal (ITC) hearing aids, there’s something for everyone, whether they feel conscious about their appearance with hearing aids or not.

4. Hearing Aids Are Too Loud

While they do amplify sound, this misconception is common due to many thinking they can’t be adjusted. With advancements in technology and engineering, hearing aids can be customized to suit the wearer. Just because you’ve been told by others that hearing aids are too loud, doesn’t mean your experience will be the same.

5. Hearing Aids Will Cure Your Hearing Loss

While we wish this were true, that’s not quite the case. With hearing aids, they help process sound and noises that your ears can no longer perceive themselves. While that means your ears acclimatize to this noise and therefore improve your hearing, it doesn’t magically cure your hearing loss.

6. You Only Need Hearing Aids if You’re Severely Impaired in Hearing

Hearing loss is something that’s different from one person to the next. The severity of your hearing loss doesn’t necessarily matter when it comes to hearing aids. Even if you have mild hearing loss, hearing aids can be extremely beneficial. Of course, the more profound your hearing loss is, the bigger the impact is made. However, that doesn’t mean hearing aids are just for the most severe cases of hearing loss.

7. It Only Takes One Adjustment for Your Hearing Aids

Your hearing loss and ear health changes as you grow, which means what worked for your hearing aids last year, may be slightly different during your next routine appointment. This is why it’s important to have regular checkups with an audiologist to make sure that nothing has changed or if it has, your audiologist will be able to make the necessary adjustments.

8. Hearing Aids Will Eliminate Tinnitus

Eliminate not so much – reducing tinnitus though – yes. For many users who experience tinnitus have found that hearing aids are helpful in masking the sounds whether that’s ringing or whistling and therefore provide more comfort.

9. You Can’t Answer the Phone or Make Calls with Hearing Aids

While it may have been the case that using your hearing aids with a phone caused ringing or feedback on older hearing aid models, that’s not the case now. With modern hearing aids, you’ll have no problem answering the phone or making a call with a hearing aid in your ear.

10. You Get a Lot of Feedback with Hearing Aids

With modern hearing aids, they’ve managed to fix the problems that older models had which was often the issue of feedback and constant whistling.

If you’re looking to explore the world of hearing aids yourself, get in touch with Advanced Hearing Services. They’ll be able to provide an in-depth insight into what’s available for you. Call us today at (970) 449-0592.

Tags: hearing aid styles