Hearing aids are a solution for those experiencing hearing loss. They work by amplifying sounds allowing them to be properly interpreted by your brain. A tiny microphone in the assisted listening device picks up sounds and converts them into a digital signal, which is then amplified. Hearing aids can sometimes take a little time to get used to but often this treatment for hearing loss gives the patient an improved quality of life. Occasionally if the settings are wrong, or the hearing aid isn’t fit properly, they can be disorienting. An audiologist will be able to resolve the issue, however, and help the patient adjust to their new hearing aid.

When can hearing aids be disorienting?

Hearing aids shouldn’t be disorienting. If they are it’s usually due to a couple of factors. Certain hearing aids have more advanced settings for different listening situations. These allow the wearer to block out background noise or focus on a conversation. There is often also a volume setting and the option to switch the hearing aid on and off. If these settings are wrong, this could be disorienting for some people. An audiologist will be able to give tips and assistance on how to adjust these settings.

Another reason hearing aids might be temporarily disorienting is when they haven’t been put in properly or don’t fit very well. This can easily be rectified by an audiologist. Hearing aids are custom made for each patient so they should fit well. Some people might find it takes time to get used to them. Hearing should improve making sounds louder which could be disorienting at first, but if the hearing aid fits properly and the settings are correct, the wearer will adjust quickly.

How an audiologist can help

An audiologist provides support at every stage of any treatment for hearing loss. This includes advice and counseling about hearing aids. If a patient is having difficulties adjusting to their hearing aid, an audiologist will give them a check-up to get to the root of the problem. They will be able to perform any necessary adjustments and ensure the hearing aid fits properly.

Audiologists are familiar with all types of hearing aids and will recommend the most suitable for each individual case. They will also be able to give tips on how to use them. Audiologists also perform regular checks on hearing aids and their wearers and can make repairs or any necessary updates. Hearing aid health is important so anyone who uses one should make an appointment with an audiologist, as they shouldn’t be disorienting and this issue can be resolved.

Tips for adjusting to hearing aids

There are a few tips audiologists give to new wearers of hearing aids to help them adjust. It’s important to be patient at first. Audiologists often recommend that wearers of hearing aids start slowly. It’s advisable to wear the hearing for short periods at first to become accustomed to louder and clearer sounds. Audiologists also set proper volume levels for hearing aids and suggest not to change these even if it seems loud to begin with.

Another piece of advice is to practice wearing your hearing aid in a quiet environment, such as at home. This way you can get used to the acoustics of a space with fewer sounds and less background noise. It’s also important to get used to the sound of your own voice, and that of others. If you’re new to wearing a hearing aid you will also notice internal sounds in your body which takes a little time to get used to. Audiologists often reassure patients that these new sounds are completely normal.

Testing your hearing aid in different environments is also recommended. These include various public spaces and social situations. Eventually, the wearer will adjust to using their hearing aid in a number of places and to hear a range of sounds. If your hearing aid has adjustable settings this can be set as optimum for each different situation. An audiologist will be able to offer help and advice about this.

Hearing aids often make a big difference to the wearer’s life, and although this may be disorienting at first, eventually the result will be positive. If you’re having any issues with your hearing aid an audiologist at Advanced Hearing Services will be able to offer their support. Our friendly team is always available to help. If you would like to learn more about Advanced Hearing Services, contact us at (970) 449-0592.