It's no secret that our hearing diminishes as we age. In fact, one in three people over the age of 65 has hearing loss. For those of us who are lucky enough to still have good hearing, it's essential to get an annual hearing test to ensure that our hearing stays sharp. Here are four reasons you should get a hearing test every year.

Hearing Loss Does Not Occur Overnight

One of the biggest myths about hearing loss is that it happens suddenly. In reality, hearing loss occurs gradually over time. This is why getting a hearing test every year is so important. By catching hearing loss early, you can prevent it from getting worse and causing more damage to your ears.

You Can Avoid Future Health Problems by Getting an Annual Hearing Test

Hearing loss is a severe problem. It's the third most common chronic health condition in the U.S. After high blood pressure and arthritis, hearing loss affects many people. And it's not just an annoyance – hearing loss has been linked to depression, social isolation and dementia.

Hearing loss has been linked to other health conditions, like diabetes and high blood pressure. So, if you are at risk for those conditions, getting a hearing test can be even more critical. And if you already have one of those conditions, getting a hearing test can help catch any hearing loss early so it can be treated.

While hearing loss is a common problem, it's also easily preventable. One of the best ways to prevent hearing loss is to get an annual hearing test. Here are three reasons why.

Your Hearing Changes as You Age

Like the rest of your body, your hearing changes as you age. Over time, hearing loss is inevitable for most people. But that doesn't mean you have to experience hearing loss – getting a hearing test can help you catch any problems early and find a solution that works for you.

Hearing Loss Can Affect Your Brain Health

Hearing loss has been linked to a decline in brain health. A study published in the Journal of Neuroscience found that hearing loss can lead to a decline in cognitive function and memory. In addition, the study found that hearing loss can cause brain changes similar to those seen in Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's disease is a type of dementia that affects memory, thinking and behavior.

Hearing Loss Affects Mental Health

Hearing loss can also affect your mental health. For example, a study published in the journal JAMA Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery found that hearing loss is associated with an increased risk for depression. In addition, the study found that people with hearing loss were more likely to report symptoms of depression than those without hearing loss.

Hearing Loss Affects Your Self Esteem

You're wrong if you think hearing loss is just a problem with your ears. Hearing loss can affect your self-esteem in many ways. For example, you may feel like you're not part of the conversation if you can't hear well. This can be especially true if you're at a party or other social event. You may feel like people are talking about you, but you can't understand what they're saying.

This feeling of isolation can lead to depression and anxiety. It's important to remember that hearing loss is a medical condition and should be treated as such. If you don't address the problem, it will only get worse. In addition, untreated hearing loss can lead to cognitive decline and dementia. So, if you're experiencing any symptoms of hearing loss, don't wait to get it checked out. Instead, make an appointment with an audiologist today.

Early Detection Is Key

It is vital to get a hearing test every year to detect any changes in your hearing early. Hearing loss happens gradually and can be hard to notice. By getting a hearing test every year, you can catch any changes in your hearing early and get treatment before the damage worsens.

Finding The Right Treatment Can Be Life-Changing

If you have hearing loss, some treatments can help. For example, hearing aids can improve your ability to hear and understand speech. If you have hearing loss, it is important to find the proper treatment for you to stay connected to the people and things you love.

If you are concerned about your hearing or have any symptoms of hearing loss, be sure to make an appointment with your certified audiologist. A yearly hearing test is integral to maintaining your overall health and wellbeing. So don't wait to get your hearing checked! An annual hearing test can help catch any changes in your hearing early and get treatment before the damage worsens. To learn more about Advanced Hearing Services please contact us at (970) 449-0592.