When it comes to your hearing health, this is something that few people take seriously. However, your hearing health can affect your life in more ways than you can imagine. Protecting your ears and hearing health is vital, and here are seven ways to make it happen!

Avoid Loud Noises

One of the best ways to protect your ears is to avoid loud noises. The effects of high noise levels are known to affect hearing over time. This can have a negative impact on learning and social interactions. Although you may not notice a problem immediately, keeping your ears healthy is important. Some common noises that may harm your hearing include jet engines, blow-dryers, motorcycles and concert speakers. If you can avoid areas with a loud noise, it’s best to do this.

Get Your Hearing Tested

While many people skip out on visiting an audiologist, this is something you need to do. It is important to get your hearing checked regularly. In some cases, it is possible to diagnose a hearing problem when it is very early in its development. When you visit your audiologist, they will ask you a series of questions about your daily life.

They may also carry out a tympanometry test focusing on the inner ear. This is a good way to find out if you have fluid or wax in your middle or outer ear. As these rarely happen, you don’t need to worry about invasive exams. You need to have at least one hearing test per year.

Wear Earplugs

Earplugs are a great way to protect your ears and hearing health. They are used to muffle the intensity of loud noises and keep them from directly damaging your ears. You can wear earplugs while riding motorcycles, hunting or around at concerts. However, you can hear other ear protectors, too, such as earmuffs if you’re looking to protect your ears. Ear protectors are fairly easy to find, as you can find these in retail chains and online.

Clean Your Ear Canal

A major cause for tinnitus just happens to be built-up earwax. Cleaning out your ears is something that needs to be done at least every couple of days with a cotton swab. if you believe you still have too much in your ears, you can even see an audiologist about getting it removed.

Take Listening Breaks

When you are listening to music with headphones or earbuds, you must take breaks to protect your ears and hearing health. You should not listen to music for more than one hour without a break. The hair cells in the inner ear need time to rest and recover. You must also keep your ears safe from loud noises by wearing earplugs or earmuffs.

While there are some exceptions, if you can’t avoid the noise, you should use earplugs or earmuffs. You should also turn down the volume of the equipment or instrument. The risk of permanent hearing loss from exposure to loud noises is a serious concern.


One of the best things you can do for your ear and your overall health is to exercise. Not only is it good for you, but it can also help to prevent more serious hearing-related issues. Exercise is also a great way to treat depression. It’s a good idea to get more exercise every day. The more you do, the more likely you will feel better. Make sure to incorporate 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercises per day to help slow age-related hearing loss.

Noise-Canceling Headphones

Just as earplugs can help your hearing health, why not take a look at noise-canceling headphones? Noise-canceling headphones protect your ears and hearing health by lowering the volume level of the music you’re listening to. They also make music sound better. There are a few different types of noise-canceling headphones. Some are active, while others are passive. In general, passive earphones act like standard earplugs.

They have a silicone seal that absorbs the noise and prevents it from entering your ear canal. On the other hand, active noise-canceling headphones employ an electronic magic trick to cancel out external noises. They generate a series of inverse waves, one for each incoming sound wave. The inverse waves cancel out the peaks and valleys of the incoming waves.

Overall, it’s important to take your hearing health seriously and the best way to go about this is by taking the first step to getting your hearing checked. If you want more information than please reach out to our helpful experts at Advanced Hearing Services at (970) 449-0592!

Tags: hearing loss prevention tips, how to guides